Colloque / Séminaire

SEMINAIRE LABO - Najat EL MEKKAOUI, Université Paris Dauphine, Laboratoire LEDa

Pension information and retirement planning in France: an evaluation of public policy

Our evaluation of a public policy aiming at providing information to individuals suggests

that it doesn’t. Providing information about pensions might create inequalities between those who process information and those who don’t. We examine savings after a pension information system has been implemented. The policy maker aims at informing workers about their pension to encourage them to save more to allow them maintaining their standards of living after retirement and/or managing the longevity risk. This is especially important for households with very low private wealth at their end of the careers. Using regression discontinuity designs, combined with quantile regressions, we assess whether the changes in asset holdings are due to the pension information system and then quantify the impact. 

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