Department of Applied Mathematics and Modelling


Polytech Lyon aims at training and graduating engineers specialized in Applied Mathematics and Modelling, able to handle the organizational, economic, financial, human and technical aspects of a project in the field of scientific computing.

Their expertise lies in their broad knowledge of applied mathematics- deterministic modelling (PDE’s), random modelling (probabilities), discretization methods,optimization, statistics- along with their mastery of IT tools, in particular in the field of parallel computing.Given the rapid changes in technology, they have been provided a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of mathematical methods and tools, which along with their ability to synthetize, will enable them to adapt to future developments.

Our graduates:

  • are qualified to mathematically model a variety of processes,
  • are able to analyze industrial statistical data using stochastic simulation,multiple regressions, time series, genetic algorithms,neuron networks and experimental designs,
  • are conversant with numerical methods of interest to industry: modern numerical methods used for solving PDE’s,numerical simulation,modelling, optimization and domain decomposition,
  • are familiar with applied computer science: modern methods of software engineering as applied to scientific computing, namely parallel computing.They are able to implement the solution to a given problem in a contemporary IT context,
  • have the sort of strong scientific background that allows them to address issues related to chemistry, mechanics, biology, telecommunications, economy,.. and to deal with decision-making problems.
Besides, being central to technical innovation within their company, the students need to exhibit team spirit and communication skills since they will be the interface between other actors (programmers, managers,technicians, customers) when carrying out a project.

Download the detailed syllabus.

Business sectors and opportunities

Our graduates work in all economic and commercial sectors: insurance, banking, computer science, agri-food, pharmacy, health, chemistry, transportation, aerospace and the oil industry.

Research partnerships

Laboratory of mathematics: Institut Camille Jordan, UMR5208-CNRS-U.Lyon1-INSA-ECL, Université Lyon 1, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex France

Technical platform: Parallel computing development Center Université Lyon 1, EPUL, 15 Bd Latarjet, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France


Industrial partnerships

LMS International, Continental Automotive, Inria, Fluorem, Dassault, Danone, Axa, Laboratoire Bio Mérieux, Soladis, IFP Energie nouvelle, EDF, Plastic Omnium, Logica, Michelin, Areva, Septeme, Sanofi Pasteur, Cerfacs, Altran, Bertin Services, Cemagref, Generali, Incka, Rhodia, Solutec, Unilog, BNP Paribas.


Head of Applied Mathematics and Modelling Department