E-Miage Master

A Master in Computer Science via distance learning

UCBL offers a distance education program leading to a Master’s degree in IT methods applied to corporate management (MIAGE) which focuses on key professional skills such as are necessary in particular in the decision support area.

Our objective is to train specialists in the various areas that are relevant for management information systems and their design, by building on Lyon’s research teams’ fields of excellence.

The ISO 9001- certified MIAGE training course aims to build capacities and competences in the following fields:

  • Information systems engineering
    The students must eventually be able to investigate and assess a company’s information system, in all its aspects - technical, human, financial- in order to optimize it.
  • Decision support tools for strategic planning
    Students should be conversant with the tools that can be set up in a company to help its executive officers make strategic decisions but they should also understand what is meant by business management in order to be in a position to identify relevant indicators.
  • Managerial functions
    Given the responsibilities they will have to fulfill in the shorter or longer term, students will need to be able to lead a team.This aspect of their work is explored both from a human and a financial perspective: students are expected to be able to lead a group of individuals and make sure that it reaches an objective on the one hand and to manage the team’s budget on the other.
  • Project management
    Project management requires technical skills on top of the above mentioned competences.Students should accordingly have a sufficient level of technical expertise in order to be able to estimate the cost of a project and the time required for its completion, to break down the project into tasks to be handled separately by each member of the group depending on their competence.The acquisition of such skills and abilities comes as a joint result of university courses and internships carried out in a professional environment.
  • Integration into a company
    As they gain more credits and complete their internships, students develop an ability to rapidly adjust to a professional environment, as expected.
The department has (tailored the MIAGE curriculum to the demands) customized the MIAGE curriculum to exactly fit the demands of the leading IT companies ( software editors , SSII, industrial or service companies having an IT department ) which hold a strong position in the Rhône-Alpes Region and in the neighboring regions, including French-speaking Switzerland but also those of a number of their middle managers in the 30-45 age bracket whose undergraduate degrees are out of synch with their actual responsibilities.With the support of their employers ,they seek to improve their skills and earn a national diploma of the same level as a Master’s degree.This program which is exclusively open to the continuing education public, is based on specific pedagogical methods, in order to fully meet expectations and is financially supported by the Rhône-Alpes Region, as part of its policy response to unemployment.

Organization of the study program

The distance-learning MIAGE program spans two years (M1 and M2) as is standard for a French Master’s degree.About a dozen credits are taught each year.Each year’s program includes about a dozen credits which are all taught on a half-yearly basis, i.e. from January to June and from July to December.In the course of a given year (M1 or M2) and within one of the semesters of the corresponding civil year, students may choose the number of credits that best fits their professional or personal constraints. This choice i.e. the teaching plan of the semester has eventually to be approved by the Master’s coordinator since it should comply with the prerequisites of each credit.

Prior experience validation

The MIAGE Master’s degree may also be gained through prior experience validation. Employees who have accumulated years of professional experience are eligible for the validation of the skills thus acquired.

Candidates should compile an experience valuation file with the help of their advisor. Following a presentation before an examination board made up of academic staff members and representatives of industry they may eventually obtain the full or partial validation of a MIAGE diploma.The e-MIAGE training program makes it indeed possible for interested parties to acquire the missing expertise within the framework of a partial VAE (Validation of prior experience) while being engaged in full-time employment. On the other hand, the e-MIAGE program is well suited for people seeking additional training in specific areas.The knowledge thus acquired translates into ECTS credits.


In charge of continuing education: E-miage.

Training manager
Stéphanie CHIESA


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